Client: Municipality of Casselman
Location: Casselman, Ontario
Size: N/A

The Municipality of Casselman (Municipality) retained JLR to undertake a Schedule C Class Environmental Assessment (EA) of their communal sewage system including the existing facultative lagoon. JLR was subsequently retained for the detailed design and services during construction for one of the first moving bed biological reactor (MBBR) systems to be added to a facultative lagoon in Ontario. The new biological mechanical treatment system allows the Municipality much more flexibility in the discharge of their treatment lagoon, thereby, expanding available capacity and ensuring continued growth of the community over the next 20+ years. The technology was pilot tested at the lagoon during the winter of 2018 following the Class EA and prior to detailed design in collaboration with the equipment supplier, the Municipality, the University of Ottawa and JLR.  The University ran several of its own experiments and testing alongside the equipment supplier in a collaborative effort to further refine research on cold weather treatment of total ammonia.

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